Channel: Satvic Movement
Category: Music
Tags: satvic souphealthy soups for weight losshealthy soups for dinner4 healthy soups for detoxsoup recipessoup recipes for weight losssoup recipes in hindi
Description: 🙋🏻♂️ Attend our Workshop this Saturday : 📗 Order the Satvic Food Book : 📸 Connect on Instagram : 👉🏼 Learn how to make coconut milk : ______________________________ सूप तोह आपने बहुत पीए होंगे, लेकिन जो सूप आप इस वीडियो में सीखने जा रहे है, उनकी बात ही कुछ अलग है! इस वीडियो में हम बनाएंगे 4 अलग-अलग सात्विक सूप| सबसे पहले हम बनाएंगे चटपटे फ्लेवर वाला कच्चे पपीते का सूप| फिर हम बनाएंगे सर्दियों के लिए गाजर-जीरे का सूप| फिर बनाएंगे सात्विक परिवार में फेमस कद्दू का सूप| और आखिर में बनायंगे दुनिया का सबसे पौष्टिक टमाटर का सूप| You may have had many soups in your life before. But the soups we're going to make in this video are unlike anything you may have had before! In this video, we'll make 4 different soups. We'll start with a spicy & flavourful Raw Papaya Soup. Then we'll make a soup which is perfect for the winter - Carrot Cumin Soup. Then we'll move on to a soup famous amongst Satvic community members - Pumpkin Soup. And in the end, we'll make the world's most nutritious Tomato Soup! ______________________________ 0:00 Introduction 1:01 Raw Payaya Soup 04:54 Carrot Cumin Soup 07:27 Creamy Pumpkin Soup 10:50 Tomato Soup